Tiago Outeiro

Executive Board Member

Tiago Outeiro graduated in Biochemistry at the University of Porto and was an Erasmus student at the University of Leeds in the UK. Tiago started his PhD with Susan Lindquist at the University of Chicago in February 1999. He then moved with the lab to the Whitehead in September 2001, and continued until 2004. He was involved in the start up of FoldRx, and afterwards did a postdoc with Bradley Hyman at MGH, Harvard Medical School. In 2007 Tiago started his research group at IMM, Lisbon, Portugal and, in 2011, he became Full Professor and the Director of the Department of Experimental Neurodegeneration at the University Medical Center Goettingen, in Germany. Tiago’s research focus has been on understanding the molecular basis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.